02.02.2007 - 19:29

So langsam scheint sich mehr zu
tuen in Sachen MoH:Airborne.........

Blackhat, Medal of Honor™ Community Manager, hat uns freundlicherweise in seinen e-mail-Verteiler aufgenommen und mal ein kurzes Statement zu Medal of Honor Vanguard™ und Medal of Honor Airborne™ , deren Entwicklungsrichtungen und noch die eine oder andere nette Neuigkeit über Medal of Honor Airborne™ unterbreitet.

Den Originalinhalt der mail poste ich mal hier rein.


Some clarifications

Hey everyone –

I’ve seen a handful of similar questions popping up lately both at this email and on the boards. I wanted to just take a minute to clarify a few things for everyone, so I’m starting with you guys. Medal of Honor Airborne and Medal of Honor Vanguard are two separate games developed by two separate teams for different platforms. They have separate stories that follow different main characters (MoHV – Keegan, MoHA – Travers) throughout their experiences in WWII. As you might expect, it’s no surprise that the two games have separate release dates as well.

Medal of Honor Vanguard, which writer Joe Fielder referred to as “the spiritual successor to Medal of Honor Frontline,” will be shipping on the PS2 and Wii on March 26. This game is coming together nicely, is looking really clean, and is fun to play. This thing is classic console MoH at it’s best. Expect a website update at soon, with some Vanguard goodies for you guys. Also, if you haven’t checked your emails yet, go check them. The latest MoH Newsletter went out and it had 2 exclusive screens from Vanguard in it.

Medal of Honor Airborne, which is the MoH Franchise’s first foray into “Next-Gen” gaming, will be released on the PC, Xbox360, and PS3. I have seen a lot of speculation out there about when this game is coming out, and we haven’t yet announced a ship date. When we announce the release date, you will be the first to know, and we’ll have plenty of info about the game leading up to its release. I can assure you that the team is listening to you guys. At the community summit and on the boards, everyone is telling us to make sure we are focused on doing right by MoH with Airborne. The development team is continuing to make this the best game it can be, and we’ll let you know when the game will ship as soon as they decide. I know I’ve been a bit quiet lately, but as I said on the boards, that’s just the way it is right now, and it doesn’t mean I’ll be quiet forever. I’m still working on that big 5-part Airdrop and I’m really hoping I’ll have part 1 ready to put on the website next week.

I hope that clears up a few of the questions you guys have had. Now that everyone’s got the holiday craziness behind them, we’re all ramping back up a little bit. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more cool stuff from both Vanguard and Airborne, and please feel free to share any of this with your respective communities

- BlackHat

Die Jungens von MoH Central waren schon über Nacht fleißig und haben auf ihrer Page bereits alles in blitzblankes und lupenreines "Deutsch" übersetzt.... <<< Moh-Central >>>

Wir werden die Entwicklung mit Spannung verfolgen............

Das BBMD-Team


gedruckt am 04.05.2024 - 11:14